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Do This One Thing In the Waiting Room Before Your Prenatal Visit

Do you go into your prenatals and suddenly go blank when your OB asks if you have any questions?  Or do you find yourself desperately trying to remember what information you were given?  No this is NOT baby brain – it’s a symptom of stress.  Seeing a Doctor makes almost everyone a little anxious. When we’re anxious the critical thinking part of the brain is kinda offline so you’re not taking in all of the information you need to as your brain perceives the experience as if you’re about to encounter a scary bear – not your OB.   As you know these are important discussions to be a full participant in especially if you have any big decisions to make about your care as labor approaches and some of your appointments will be very short.

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A new study published by the University of Michigan suggests that a few moments of meditation before seeing your Doctor says meditation before seeing the doctor can help you listen, understand and remember the information from your appointment more accurately.


There’s also the added benefit of keeping your blood pressure normal especially if yours tends to spike at the Doctors office caused by White Coat Syndrome.

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If meditation isn’t your thing try listening to some relaxing music or bring a friend along for company (and a second set of ears).  Bring a notebook with your questions and jot down key points you need to remember. Ask for more time if you feel your appointment is being rushed.


Do you spend more time waiting to see your OB than your actual prenatal visit? How do you pass the time?

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