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Routine Vaginal Exams and Social Distancing

Your due date is coming up, you're excited, nervous (possibly very stressed with what's happening in the world) so it's totally normal to wonder what's happening behind the scenes in these last few weeks of pregnancy!

The feeling of being on the clock when you get to 40 weeks can be hard to escape especially if you're worried about being induced.

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But pre-labor vaginal checks to 'see what's happening' might not be the best approach right now. (It's usually associated with US maternity services but is also quite common with private obstetricians in Ireland and Australia).

In recent years lots of OBs have abandoned the practice of offering vaginal exams starting at 38 weeks even before Covid-19.

They understand that routine vaginal checks without a medical reason only tells them what your cervix is doing in this moment right now. It doesn't tell them (or you) when labor might start or how long it will last.

They understand it can be uncomfortable and stressful for moms.

They understand that social distancing is in place to protect mothers, babies AND frontline medical staff from Covid-19 especially for unnecessary, non emergency procedures.

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If you have had a healthy pregnancy, are full term and your OB offers to check your cervix - ask them about the potential risks and benefits of having this examination and the risks/benefits of skipping it - for you AND them.

PS - Is it ok to check your own cervix? Great question - read more here.

PPS - Some women will also opt out of having so many (all?) vaginal exams in labor. We don’t need to have a global pandemic to choose not to have vaginal exams in labor. There are valid reasons women will choose not to have vaginal examinations in labor (previous traumatic birth, sexual abuse, sexual assault, vulvodynia). If you’re a careprovider please consider how you can provide trauma informed care to all of your patients as most women won’t disclose sexual abuse/assault.

Stay well



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