Create a Hypnobirthing Vision Board

What’s a Vision Board?

Also known as a mood, visualization or ‘dream’ board a vision board is a representation of your goals for your birth using images and words and it’s a simple way to hack your brain to expect birth to be different from what it has been exposed to for most of your life.

New experiences create new neural connections in the brain so we’re just intentionally giving the brain these new experiences (even though they are just images the brain can’t tell the difference between something you are vividly imagining and something you’re doing).

These words and images then become part of your mental birth rehearsal so you don’t spend any more time visualizing the kind of birth you DON’T want (I’m sure you’re already really good at that). It’s so easy to come up with that list of things you don’t want to happen - why is that so easy? Because those neural connections are so active - meaning you’ve unintentionally practiced those thoughts over and over again. Why is it so hard to switch gears and start intentionally imagining what you DO want? Think of those connections in the brain as an unworked muscle…so the more you use it the stronger it grows.

Unless you actively seek out positive images of labor birth you probably won’t see any. They don’t usually show up in magazines, the Sunday papers or even your Instagram feed (you’ll find lots on our Instagram page). You’re far more likely to see less than inspiring images in the mainstream media.

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Why is This Important?

Your brain is a prediction machine - it guesses what’s coming next based on the information it is constantly taking in from the environment. So if all you’ve been exposed to are scary images of birth, negative birth stories etc - guess what? Your brain associates birth with something less than positive. So when labor starts so does adrenaline - instead of oxytocin needed to progress labor and reduce pain perception. Your daily practice changes that automatic response when those surges begin from “ahhhh this is awful” to “ahhhhhh this is exciting”.


Head Hacking

It makes sense then to intentionally expose your brain to lots of positive images of labor and birth as often as possible throughout your pregnancy.

Think of it as a ‘feeling’ board rather than a vision board. Every time you look at it you should feel inspired and excited. Place it somewhere in your home where you’ll see it often. Take photos of it so you can take a peek when you’re at work. The more you can expose your mind to similar images and feelings the more your brain associates birth with something positive and the stronger those connections grow until it’s no effort at all - your ‘default’ becomes positive birth.


Go checkout some beautiful birth imagery online that inspires you - how does the image make you feel?

Remember - if the image or words don’t generate an automatic warm, positive feeling it won’t impact the brain in the same way. If you feel any resistance keep looking.

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If you’re crafty get your glue, pregnancy magazines and a cork board out and start clipping! If you prefer a digital format use PowerPoint and drop images and affirmations into slides. If you have one of those mini projectors you could display them at home while you labor and on the wall in your birth room in the hospital. Another option is a digital frame to have in the birth room displaying your favorite affirmations and inspiring images. There’s also a vision board app or follow GentleBirth on Instagram for a daily dose of empowering birth images.


Place your vision board somewhere you’ll see it often - take a look at it before you do your evening practice. Lots of moms take it with them to the hospital or birth center. Some moms like to create a sacred space for their vision board and place candles and flowers by the board making your practice time a ritual of calm and connection with your baby.

Did you make a vision board? I’d love to see it!


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