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No Time to Meditate? 5 Simple Ways to Be Mindful Today

First of all - who keeps telling parents that mindfulness means stopping thinking or ‘emptying’ your mind? Let’s put that myth to bed right now so you can experience the multitude of benefits of a mindful approach to your baby’s birth with very little effort.

You might think you don’t have the time for meditation because you thought you’d have to lock yourself away in a darkened room and chant for an hour...frankly if that was the deal I’d have given up years ago.

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Here’s  5 things you’re already doing every day that you can do mindfully tomorrow. Let’s set the bar really low so don’t try all of these on the same day. Pick one and see how you go. You’ll be a mindful master in no time!

If you’re new to meditation there’s lots of ways to weave mindfulness practices into things you already do everyday.  Why meditate? For a million reasons but also because your mind is an excellent time traveller but it usually takes us to places associated with stress. When you’re keeping an eye on where your mind is wandering to you can gently nudge it back to the present moment and reduce a lot of our internal stress.  


Take a Mindful Shower

When was the last time your head and body were in the shower together for the entire shower?  What I mean is if you’re like most people once you jump in your brain jumps out…to a big meeting you’re preparing for or it time travels to that gorgeous beach vacation when your breathe in the smell of your coconut shampoo.

It’s all about noticing.  Notice the heat of the water on your skin, the way the glass door fogs up.  The smell of your shampoo.  Within a few seconds your mind will try to run off to something far more interesting – so when that happens see where it goes and then gently coax your attention back into the shower and how that warm water feels on your skin.

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Brush your Teeth Mindfully

Try brushing with your non-dominant hand.  Makes teeth brushing far more interesting when you have to really pay attention. Notice the taste of the toothpaste, the temperature of the water, how you’re standing.


Eat a Snack Mindfully

Sit down while you eat and leave your phone to the side for a few moments while you take a few mindful bites of your sandwich.  Not even the whole thing – just a couple of bites.  Notice the urge to swallow…notice the textures and tastes – pretend you’re on the British Bake Off as you pay attention to the flavors.


Try Mindful Driving

On your next commute to work try to really pay attention to what you notice on the way to work – look at the buildings, skyline etc as if you’re seeing if for the very first time.  (Try the Mindful Driving track in the GentleBirth app).


Mindful Movement

As you walk from your car to your office instead of looking at your phone try to notice each time your feet touch the pavement.  How do your arms move as you walk?  Notice how your hips sway with each step. You can even try mindful movement with a toddler.

Once you’ve tried a few of these on for size during the week then make the leap to sitting for 1 minute and meditating on your breath.

Try some of the short mindfulness sessions in the GentleBirth app today ( use the 7 day free trial and see what you think).

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