Positive Induction and GentleBirth for Baby Ava
Induction doesn’t have to be ‘game over’ for a positive birth as first time parents Megan and Josh Peavey found out (accompanied by doula Lisa Garside). Scroll down to see the video of Ava’s gentle birth into the world.
From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I knew I wanted to have an unmedicated birth. My birthing class reiterated this to me through teaching how medicated women push longer than unmedicated women and how medical intervention can actually slow down the process of labor. I know my body better than anyone and I wanted to learn from its cues in labor. I didn't want to feel numbness and be told when to push - I wanted to push because I felt the urge.
I met another expectant mother, pregnant with her second child, at my prenatal yoga class and informed her of my labor desires. She informed me of the app GentleBirth and explained how helpful the Gentle Birth Affirmations were during her first pregnancy. Being very into meditation, mindfulness, and hypnosis, I downloaded the app and was instantly hooked. I made the GentleBirth Affirmations part of my nightly routine - every night in the bathtub, I would listen to them, repeating them out loud, "Each surge brings me closer to meeting my baby," "I was born to do this," "I trust my body," "I trust my baby," "I allow myself to melt into labor."
As the 40 week mark drew closer, I was informed my baby was "measuring small," an IUGR baby that was no longer receiving the necessary resources from the placenta. I was told I needed to be induced right then and there at my 37-week check-up but I refused and shared I needed the weekend to rest, soak it all in, etc. I agreed to be induced that following Monday when I would be 38-weeks. All weekend I listened to the "Positive Induction of Labor" hypnosis in GentleBirth. It didn't put me into labor - I still needed to be induced on Monday - but I was 4.5 cm dilated on my own! I owe that to the induction of labor hypnosis and the imagery of my "cervix melting like butter."
Beautiful Baby Ava Josephine Peavey
I was induced on October 8, Columbus Day, 2018. Between preliminary tests, monitoring Pitocin, etc. I had been at the hospital for 12 hours with no contractions.
As I asked to go home - yes, I seriously asked the Midwife Team if I could leave - my water broke. I went from 4.5 cm dilated to 10 in 25 minutes. The surges came on fast and strong but the GentleBirth Affirmations I had practiced every night allowed me to melt into labor, to view contractions as surges that would lead me to meeting my baby, and to trust my body. I truly feel that melting into labor and resisting the pain allowed my body to go through the motions so smoothly and quickly. They filled up the bathtub for me to "relax" in until it was time to push, but I couldn't even get into the tub because I had progressed so quickly and it was go-time.
I kept my eyes shut, stayed silent, and meditated off into my birthing affirmations. After 20 minutes of pushing - and using my own body cues to know when to do so - my baby was born. Her heart rate never quickened or dropped and neither did mine, which I believe was due to how calm I remained. I had my unmedicated, gentle, calm birth I had practiced and manifested. I have referred so many pregnant friends an acquaintances to this app and will use it again on my next birth. Thank you Gentle Birth, for being available and for supporting strong women - our bodies are miraculous and superhuman. The affirmations, meditations and hypnosis practices allow us to focus on that instead of fear and the unknown.
Ava Josephine Peavey was born at 10:39 PM on October 8, 2018 at 5 lb 9 oz and 18.5 in long. Yes, a small baby, but a very healthy and happy baby. She is 10 months old now and is perfect.
Follow Megan and Ava on IG - @peaveymegan