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Positive VBAC During Covid

Sarah shares her wonderful VBAC experience.

Hi all, this is my birth story for my 3rd baby and my 2nd successful VBAC with the added bonus of giving birth in the middle of this pandemic!!

My son was born on the 30th March after 2 days of slow labour. I had a sweep at 39+6. That was successful and contractions started at 2am and continued every 5 mins for 2 days. Went to the hospital and I was 1.5cm so sent home again. I was part of the DOMINO clinic in Waterford and they encouraged me to stay home as long as possible with everything going on as my husband would only be allowed present in the delivery suite. She said when you notice the pains change its time to come in! And boy did I notice them change around 8.30 pm on the 29th! Pains were stronger and coming faster so headed to the hospital. I was checked at 10pm and still 1.5cm but cervix was changing. I was admitted to the ward and my husband sent home.

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I was managing at this stage with just my TENS machine and 2 paracetamol. The midwife suggested a bath before trying pethadine as the Doctors said I would only be allowed 1 dose of it due to previous section. At 11.45 she came in to say my bath was ready but I told her I was suddenly feeling strong pains in my bum! She checked me and said I was 4cm and no bath for me, only a trip to the delivery suite!! My husband was only after arriving back home when I called him to turn around and come back.

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I stayed standing as much as I could and managed well with tens and then gas and air. I was checked at 2.30 am and I was 5cm and midwife was able to break waters.

It all happened pretty fast once waters were gone, I felt the urge to push after about 20 mins and baby arrived at 3.31am! They were fantastic in Waterford and my husband was allowed stay with me in the delivery suite for 2 hours after and nurses brought him tea and toast as well. I was back home with my other 2 boys at 2pm the next day. Delighted to have achieved another VBAC and would recommend the DOMINO service to anyone, they were fantastic! Also, I am a big fan of Gentlebirth and I don't think I'd have gotten through those 2 days of slow labour without Tracy Donegan and her wonderful app to keep me focused.

Good luck to you all, stay positive!

Little Max born at 40+2 at 8lbz 7oz.

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