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Welcome to the GentleBirth blog. I’m looking forward to journeying with you towards your positive birth.

I hope you’ll visit often!

Tracy Donegan

Your Positive Birth Midwife

Fourth Birth and Best Experience

Fourth Birth and Best Experience

(I received this message from a GentleBirth family today - sharing with permission).

Hi Tracy,
I just wanted to say how much I loved using the gentlebirth app during my 4th pregnancy and labor. The Gentlebirth App was brilliant because it gave me the opportunity and time to connect in with baby and Iistened to it every night. As the weeks and months moved on how I envisioned my birth and labour and how I was going to be and feel came clearer into being. With my other 3 labors although all natural, in a hospital setting, I always felt I was in my head more so than my body. The Gentlebirth app definitely released any remaining fear before no 4 came along. I had the best birth experience I could have asked for. I had my "action plan" for when things kicked off, such as listening to the labor companion, watching a movie, bouncing on the birthing ball etc. I also used the Winner Flow and found this to be so effective to focus on my breath and keep me grounded.

By the time I got to the hospital I felt so calm and focused.

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The midwives in the Limerick Maternity Hospital were truly amazing. They were so intrigued by the Winner Flow and how calm I was. I got to labor in the birthing pool, with the lights dimmed ( it was night time) the track " Deep Within" on continuous repeat and my Winner flow. It was so calm.

My midwife was unreal. She just sat there and let me do my thing. It was just like being at home.

Then shortly after 7am my gorgeous little boy came gently and calmly into this world. I am beyond grateful. I credit so much of this labour process to all the visualisations, mediations and affirmations I did through the GentleBirth app. It was the birth I had always wanted. So a heartfelt thank you to Tracy and the Gentlebirth app for creating such an empowering tool for anyone who wants a calm, confident, gentle birth.

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Much love!

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