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Welcome to the GentleBirth blog. I’m looking forward to journeying with you towards your positive birth.

I hope you’ll visit often!

Tracy Donegan

Your Positive Birth Midwife

Hypnobirthing - What is It and How Does it Work?

Hypnobirthing - What is It and How Does it Work?

It’s not magic, voodoo or mind control (actually it’s kinda mind control but it’s about YOU controlling your mind instead of your mind controlling you). No swinging watches required!

Let’s start with the hypno piece of the program. 

Self hypnosis can help you enter into a deep state of emotional and physical relaxation. It can also reduce fear so you feel more confident. 

Why is that important? 

Fear and anxiety trigger the continued release of adrenaline which can make your labor more stressful, more exhausting and more painful.  In most hypnobirthing programs you’ll practice with audio recordings that will condition you to be calmer in labor so your body can get on with the job of producing lots of happy labor hormones….with less fear your labor progresses faster and usually more comfortably. 

The ultimate goal of hypnobirthing is to change the automatic behavior of moms so that when labor begins you feel excited for the challenge not petrified. How cool is that? Your brain doesn’t sabotage your birth hormones with fear but can now produce the perfect hormonal cocktail of birth hormones. Regular practice is recommended for the best results as that automatic response of fear of labor was usually learned at a young age and TV/social media reinforces that belief daily.

 Some hypnobirthing approaches are really flexible and open in their philosophy and see hypnobirthing as a tool that can be used alongside medication and there’s the more extreme ‘die hard’ inflexible approach that suggests epidurals are the devil’s work (as you might guess GentleBirth takes the first approach).

-At the end of the day, after 60 hours of labour, what GentleBirth gave me was the sense of calm and togetherness to tell people what I needed. Which thankfully included the epidural-.png

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 What’s on the Recordings?

Usually imagery that suggests relaxation and maybe scenes in nature such as waves in the ocean and plenty of positive suggestions.  One of the most enjoyable aspects of hypnobirthing is you can fall asleep while doing your ‘homework’ – actually it’s recommended!  A little thing that can make a big difference is to find a hypno voice that you like. One of the biggest issues for me when I was pregnant with Cooper was getting used to listening to my own voice (cringe) but I got over myself and welcomed my 10lb 7oz juicy baby boy at home with my partner, doula and midwife.



Most hypnobirthing programs also include breathing techniques (read more about the simpler GentleBirth approach to breathing - a meditative, evidence based approach to breathing techniques that reduces pain, blood pressure and anxiety.



These are short positive statements that help you short circuit negative thoughts about birth/parenting and can be an anchor in labor if you have a wobbly moment.  One of the most popular in GentleBirth is “I can do anything for a minute” and “my body is the perfect size for my baby”.

 Not like these!

Mindfulness & Meditation?

Unfortunately meditation is not taught in most hypnobirthing classes (there’s usually some nebulous mention of ‘meditative visualization’ mentioned on websites but most hypnobirthing instructors are not trained in meditation techniques. Hypnobirthing is not meditation.  Mindfulness is a completely different practice (just like yoga and pilates are similar but exercise the body in different ways meditation exercises the brain in ways different to hypnosis).    No matter what kind of hypnobirthing you do be sure to add mindful meditation to your toolkit as a way to reduce the risk of postpartum depression and anxiety as well as being a very effective way to change how your brain perceives pain.

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Learn about Labor and Birth

If you’re following the US HypnoBirthing program (Mongan Method) you’ll be provided with scripts for your partner to read to you in labor.  As a former Mongan Method Instructor many of my clients found this very challenging especially if mom needed extra hands on support during her labor.  Plus -  some Dads found the language quite strange so both partners would end up laughing – but hey if you’re laughing in labor…

Hypnobirthing for Post Epidural Shaking, Morning Sickness, Cesareans, Induction of Labor, Breastfeeding, Dentist Anxiety…?

Yep! I often get requests from GB moms for specific hypnobirthing sessions so the GentleBirth App continues to grow in content. Currently there are over 140 audio sessions and our Hypnobirthing Masterclass comes free with your app subscription.

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Painfree Birth?

Some hypnobirthing programs avoid discussing pain or even medication options which can result in birth trauma so be sure to talk to read up on each program’s approach to pain. They promise if you just believe enough and practice enough pain won’t exist. The Mongan Method of Hypnobirthing barely covers physical comfort measures (I taught this method for a year before developing GentleBirth).   Not all hypnobirthing programs include comprehensive childbirth education about signs/stages of labor as well as complications - so do your homework. If anyone tries to tell you they can help you have a pain free birth take it with a BIG grain of salt. It occasionally happens but a lot of hypnomoms need more than just hypnobirthing in their toolkit. Comfort measures and optimal positions for labor & birth should be standard. Leaving them out leaves parents feeling out of control if hypnosis isn’t working effectively on the big day.


The most comprehensive programs also have a guidebook that guides you through the program and how best to practice - it’s free in the app along with a workbook for you and your partner. You’ll also find 3 new Postpartum Journey’s to support you through the first year of your baby’s life. The GentleBirth book is also available on Amazon if you’re old school like me and prefer a hard copy.  

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Any hypnobirthing program that resonates with your approach to birth (medicated/unmedicated/swinging from the chandeliers birth) will help you to enjoy your pregnancy more and stress less about your upcoming birth - and that alone is worth it’s weight in gold no matter how your baby arrives. Find a hypnobirthing class with a flexible positive approach so that you feel prepared for anything that comes your way on the day. If getting to a class isn’t an option - you and your partner can take the self paced Hypnobirthing Masterclass found in the GentleBirth Hypnobirthing App.

Compare Hypnobabies with the GentleBirth approach.

Compare Positive Birth Class with GentleBirth Classes.

Compare Hypnobirthing (Mongan) and GentleBirth.

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