10 Ways to Beat Pregnancy Insomnia

Before I even take a pregnancy test I know by my sleep patterns that I’m pregnant. I am an Olympic level sleeper - when my head hits the pillow I’m gone - so insomnia was a really frustrating companion to my pregnancies.

In early pregnancy you may feel like nodding off at 6pm and then you’re lying awake enjoying the company of Facebook at 3am. Pregnancy hormones impact every system in the body causing frequent bathroom trips...leg cramps and those 20 point turns in the 3rd trimester when your hips ache from lying in one position. Insomnia can also get worse with anxiety and the emotional rollercoaster of becoming a parent.

Deep restful restorative sleep is really hard to come by for most women in pregnancy but if you’re consistently only sleeping 5-6 hours a night some research now suggests your labor will be longer and more painful - that’s the perfect reason to fit in a guilt free nap today.

Practice saying the words out loud “I’m going to lie down for a nap” - getting into the habit of taking guilt free naps in pregnancy means you’ll also find it a lot easier to give yourself permission to nap in the post partum weeks too.

A recent study also suggests that the better you’re sleeping in the 3rd trimester the less likely you are to have a delay in your mature milk coming in after birth.

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10 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Insomnia

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  1. Tart cherry juice contains melatonin (a natural sleep aid produced in the brain).

  2. Listen to your body and become an expert in self-care in pregnancy. Eat for 1.1 and sleep for two.

  3. Exercise – yes it’s likely the last thing you want to do but it can help you sleep better – even light yoga can be very beneficial – and it releases happy hormones in your brain too.

  4. Reduce caffeine.

  5. Limit your time online an hour before bedtime as the blue spectrum light from your phone/laptop can affect melatonin levels that make it more difficult to sleep. Go old school and read a book.

  6. Avoid drinking a gallon of milk right before bed – no matter how bad your heartburn is.

  7. Have a warm bath before bed, Lavender and chamomile essential oils promote relaxation (or try lavender and chamomile in a tea in the evening - from dried flowers not oils).

  8. Use your GentleBirth Mp3s to help switch off a racing mind. As you’ll see in our GentleBirth FB community GB parents tend to sleep better than most and have learned to prioritize naps with no guilt. The Sleep Sanctuary is a favorite among birth parents and birth professionals. Sometimes after coming from a long birth doulas and midwives find it hard to switch off so they’ll use the Sleep Sanctuary too. The Body Scan meditation is really effective too.

  9. Talk your partner into giving you a bedtime massage (or more if you’re up for it!).

  10. If all else fails wake up your partner to entertain you - after all pregnancy insomnia is half their fault too!

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